Chess Poetry

The opening line about the color of the squares seems like a mundane point but when a chess player enters into the reality of positional play the color of the squares matters in regards to weaknesses and piece play. The second line is about piece equality in that Knights and Bishops are worth approximately the same (3 pts) but the pieces relative to the position have differing values that only the experienced can discern. The third line related to the fight is an implicit statement about how the attitude of the chess player should be attack, attack, and more attack. The next three lines are related to the openings chess players can play based on their own style and what they are convinced is best play. However, most openings aren’t full proof and maintaining balance is always a battle. The conclusion of the poem is about the importance of King safety and once again about the art of attack in chess. The most basic strategy any chess player can have is keep the King safe and attack your opponent before he can attack you. Chess is based on simple principles that if one masters he can become a Master. This basic idea is high level cognition in its simplest form. Using the basics to achieve complex discoveries.



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